Jul 22, 2021
Chicago based photographer Jackie Bravo Vicere and I discuss her Front Porch Portraits Project that launched her to notoriety, landing her a featured segment on the NBC Nightly News.
Jackie has even started a new project, but you will have to listen to find out about it.
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"I moved to Chicago when I was 18 years old and started exploring my opportunities in the creative field. I didn’t know anyone so I knew it was the perfect opportunity to reinvent myself! As I continued my career in photography in a foreign country, many different opportunities started arising! One of the most important ones in my career, so far, was the Front Porch Project during the pandemic lockdown in 2020. I took this opportunity and created a project that, to this day, continues to create opportunities! I am happily married to my husband Travis and we are expecting our first child together. I will experience motherhood behind the lens and get creative to document each and every milestone in my child’s growth. I am an advocate of documenting milestones and printing them out; there is nothing like a printed picture. I continue to explore life creatively and offer my talent to non-profits as well as in a professional level."