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The Nerdy Photographer Podcast

Nov 9, 2023

While a picture is worth a thousand words, those words can be the key to unlocking the full potential of your brand. The photographers we spoke to emphasized the significance of selecting a name, tagline, and message that not only describe what you do but also convey the "why" behind your photography. Your chosen words are the foundation upon which your visual identity rests. They define your style, evoke emotions, and solve your clients' needs. In short, they tell your story.

In this episode of The Nerdy Photographer Podcast, we're delving into the fascinating world of branding and marketing for photographers and exploring a critical aspect that often takes a backseat to visuals—the power of language.

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About My Guest

Founder of Mercurylab, Beth Taubner has been a Transformational Brand Strategist and Creative Director working with strategy and creative communications for over 20 years. Beth has developed a proprietary approach to branding using a combination of psychological, visual and analytic processes. Beth has developed a profound emotional branding process enabling clients to come to market with a focused blueprint for success, rooted in authenticity, consciousness and real-world success.

Beth offers one-on-one consulting and coaching, and business consulting on strategic brand and creative development, communications, content creation, marketing and implementation worldwide. If you're interested in connecting with Beth about consulting or coaching for your photography business, you can reach out to her at